Jesús A. del Alamo


InGaSb p-channel Quantum-Well MOSFETs and FinFETs

As concerns grow over the feasibility of scaling silicon CMOS devices to the nanometer regime, III-V channels have shown great promise for integration into future-generation logic devices due to their outstanding electron transport properties. However, while impressive III-V n-MOSFETs have been demonstrated, this success has not yet been translated to III-V p-MOSFETs, due to a generally lower hole mobility. Amongst all III-V materials, the antimonide system has the highest hole mobility, making it a likely candidate for the development of high performance III-V p-MOSFETs. At MIT, we are exploring the suitability of InGaSb for p-channel MOSFETs for future sub-10 nm CMOS applications.

Our research has focused on device designs that incorporate strong compressive strain which is known to enhance hole mobility. In this regard, we have demonstrated InGaSb p-channel quantum-well (QW) MOSFETs that incorporate uniaxial stress through a self-aligned nitride stressor. We have realized improvements in transconductance that exceed 40% with respect to strain-free devices. In addition, we have developed a new approach to ohmic contacts to InGaSb FET structures that has yielded large improvements in contact resistance and in the transport characteristics of completed devices.

Recent publications:

RJ-158 Guo, L. W., W. Lu, B. R. Bennett, J. B. Boos, and J. A. del Alamo, ”Ultra-low Resistance Ohmic Contacts for p-channel InGaSb Field-Effect Transistors.” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 36, No. 6, pp. 546-548, June 2015. (paper)

RJ-150 Guo, L. W., L. Xia, B. R. Bennett, J. B. Boos, M. G. Ancona and J. A. del Alamo, ”Enhancing p-channel InGaSb QW-FETs via Process-induced Compressive Uniaxial Strain.” IEEE Electron Device Letters, Vol. 35, No. 11, pp. 1088-1090, November 2014. (paper)

RJ-129 Xia, L., B. Boos, B. R. Bennett, M. G. Ancona, and J. A. del Alamo, "Hole Mobility Enhancement through <110> Uniaxial Strain in In0.41Ga0.59Sb Quantum-Well Field-Effect transistors." Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 98, 053505, 2011. (paper)

InGaSb Quantum-Well Field-Effect Transistor (QW-FET) incorporating a self-aligned nitride stressor. This is used to introduce compressive stress (indicated by red arrows) to the intrinsic region of the transistor to enhance device performance.
Output characteristics of stressed (red) and unstressed (black) InGaSb QW-FETs with 300 nm gate length.


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