Advances in digital electronic circuits have prompted the boost in functions and ever- smaller size of such popular consumer goods as digital cameras, MP3 players and digital televisions. But the same cannot be said of the older analog circuits in the same devices, which process natural sights and sounds in the real world.
Now accepting nominations for the Second Annual Senturia Prize for the Best Thesis in MEMS/NEMS.
A new MIT microchip system promises to speed up the separation and sorting of biomolecules such as proteins. The work is important because it could help scientists better detect certain molecules associated with diseases, potentially leading to earlier diagnoses or treatments.
"It's a great time to be an engineer," Rich Templeton, Texas Instruments president and chief executive officer, told engineering students Thursday evening at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Today, the world is connected in a way never seen before. This means that a great idea can have global benefits."